Photography: ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed, and Exposure for Newbies

When you buy a new camera and explores it, maybe you’ll find those thing and you wanna know about it. Well I’m here to explain to you in a very simple way.


Basically ISO is the sensor’s light sensitivity. Higher the ISO, the sensor will be more sensitive to light, thus the brighter the photo will be. 

But beware though, higher ISO also mean you will get more grainy picture, 

so use the lowest ISO possible.


Aperture is the size of the hole in the lens that allow light to reach the sensors. Aperture is measured by “f/[insert some numbers]” (example : f/3.5, f/11, f/22, etc). Lower the value means bigger hole thus allowing more light to reach the sensor and your photo will be brighter. Higher the value means smaller hole thus allowing less light to reach the sensor and your photo will be darker.

Aperture also has a trick up at it sleeve. Bigger aperture means your picture will have a shallow depth of field, wich is great for portrait pictures. Smaller aperture in the other hand will result a deep depth of field photos wich is great for landscape photos.

Shutter Speed

Well, I think the name is self-explanatory, but for you who don’t get it, shutter speed is the length of time the shutter is open. Shutter speed measured in seconds (example : 1/800, 1/4000, 2, etc). A fast shutter speed allowing freezing motion but less light will reach the sensor thus the photo will be darker. A slow shutter speed will cause more blur but more light will reach the sensor. 

A slow shutter speed will be handy if you want to capture light trails.


Exposure is the level of brightness captured. Changing the exposure will change the ISO, aperture, and shutter speed until a level of brightness is fulfilled. Exposure is the easy way to change the level of brightness without messing with ISO, aperture, and shutter speed control. 


So that’s it, i hope this guide will helps you capture those moments 😉